Tuesday, February 21, 2012


cewaahh mentang2 tgh blajar programming C++ nih sibuk dgn tajuk HELLOWORLD !
quite interesting jgk SC nih but hati aku xberminat nk kje dlm bahagian nih. tetibe pk mse pjg akn dtg>>>>>>>>>>
ok bg sedar tampar laju2 yg 1months+++ only im hear!
 get ready for your PSPM? jeng3.WISH ME LUCK !

yeah long time no see.matrix life so hectic.
lecture = tutorial = assignments = quiz = project aka FYP = etc.

nothing much to say just 1 word : HAPPY !
thanks to bb coz make my life very wonderful everyday with smile.

history begin again 18.02.2012 :D
very2 meaningful in my life.
my birthday,yasmin,b and zaim
celebrate together with them this year. YEAH!
ibuayah terima kasih merestui kami.
thanks dear!
hopefully our love never endings and long lasting.
YA ALLAH berkatilah dan lindungilah kami. 